We don’t live our lives based on goals. It’s our values that guide us. When we follow our values, we find our purpose.

Our Purpose
To walk together on a path of healing, growth and exploration of mind, body, heart & spirit.
Our Values
Exploration: Adventure and seeking new experiences. Know thyself. Taking risks. Expanding boundaries. Sharing/guiding adventure with others. Playfulness, curiosity and childlike wonder. Confidence, bravery.
Community: It’s the relationships that heal. Friendships, strong authentic connections & lifelong bonds. Working together towards a greater good; partnership & collaboration. Being of service, helping/caring for others/earth. Love, warmth, compassion and genuineness. Listening.
Teaching and Learning: To learn from and teach others the way….Guide. Eldership. Mentoring. Creating a safe space to explore inwards and outwards, grow and make mistakes. Wisdom – Application of knowledge. The more I learn the less I know. Critical and sceptical but open-minded.
Spirituality: Connection to nature. Meaning. Connection to something ‘else’. Healing. Ceremony, rituals and plant medicines. Appreciation of beauty. Greater consciousness. Being vs doing. Soul touching. Interconnectedness. Life purpose. Gratitude.